My major positions after 25+ years of study
1. All moral agents ought to work as best they can to help all other moral patients flourish, insofar as there is a need to do so.
2. If we have any descendants, they will look upon most modern humans with their equivalent of abhorrence, as we might look upon slaveowners of the past.
3. Humanity is broadly ignoring the alien elephant in the room. We face likely extinction as a species in the near-term due to the rapidly developing capabilities of artificial intelligence. We’ve known this since 1863 and still haven’t taken sufficient precautions.
4. Humanity is emergently insane. We spend more on candy than on preventing our own extinction.
5. There is no winning the race to artificial general intelligence (AGI) or artificial superintelligence (ASI). It is a literal suicide race. We need an immediate global pause on all frontier AI development. This is not an “AI doomer” position; this is an “AI realist” position. Pausing is more realistic than controlling a godlike superintelligence. It has considerable support.
6. We need a global organization capable of managing the risks and rewards of artificial intelligence. It is better for us all to cooperate rather than defect and likely die. Both egoists and altruists can only win by choosing the collective win-win.
7. The three steps to a collective win-win are:
- Scientifically prove AGI can be safely grown.
- Extremely carefully grow AGI.
- Fairly distribute the unimaginably large bounty to all.
If an AI developer can’t prove their alien/artificial superintelligences can be grown safely, then frontier AI development must be paused until they can. We should stick to extremely carefully growing narrow AIs in the meantime, which would yield almost all of the upside with far less downside. Note: we don’t design or build these systems, we grow or evolve them.
8. We may need millions of existential safety advocates, all unified in our collective fight for survival. If you haven’t joined the fight, please consider doing so immediately. Is there anything more important you could be doing with your time or money than working to ensure you, your loved ones, and all other life on Earth survive AI or other novel dangerous technologies?
9. It is okay to feel existential fear and fury. To deny those feelings is to deny a core part of being human. How you choose to respond is up to you. Personally, I choose to respond with existential hope.
10. Many types of eutopias or dystopias may be realized very soon. Far sooner than 99% of humanity realizes. Money, status, and much of what we instrumentally value now would become useless in those scenarios.
11. We collectively are facing a polycrisis. Or a series of interconnected wicked problems. Focusing on maxipok strategies are likely necessary to lead us through this tumultuous period.
12. Transhumanism is directionally correct. An extraordinary future awaits us if we survive this tumultuous transition to our post-human state.
13. Effective altruism is directionally correct, but flawed as a movement.
14. LessWrong-style rationality is directionally correct, but flawed as a movement.
15. Engineering an optimal human life is possible, although extremely hard for most. It will become extremely easy for aligned AIs to help humans flourish.
16. Primary and secondary schools should primarily be focused on teaching youth how to design and live their optimal lives. This includes individual and collective human flourishing. Grading should be done according to how well students live according to their values.
17. Evolutionary psychology is incredibly insightful. Humans evolved for an ancestral environment where hunting and gathering and living in small tribes was the norm. Many of us who suffer today would do just fine if our biology wasn’t mismatched for our modern environment. We all deserve compassion. Harsh judgment is unwarranted.
18. Conscious capitalism should replace unbridled capitalism. All stakeholders ought to benefit from capitalism. Shareholders do not intrinsically matter more than other moral patients.
19. Capped capitalism should replace unbridled capitalism. We could solve many of the world’s problems if no one could legally be more than 100x richer than the least richest decile of society. Individuals and companies would still compete to maximize the amount of money they automatically invest in the less fortunate. Everyone would win: the poor would not be left behind and the rich would not fear for their safety and standing as much. Society would be transformed very quickly.
20. Politicians ought to be paid a percentage of their nation’s Human Development Index (or equivalent measure). The rest of their compensation packages should be be limited and transparent.
21. In general, egoists that prioritize short-term wins for themselves at the expense of long-term wins for all moral patients are acting against their own self-interest. They just don’t realize it.
22. Time is the most important thing we have. Most people waste their present and future self’s time. And they waste other people’s time, which is roughly tantamount to micro-murder. You’re denying someone the desired use of their finite life. 1 hour out of 700,000 hours is 0.000142857% of a life.
02. Creations
My primary organizations
International AI Governance Alliance
An effort to create collective existential safety and prosperity for all. See more.
Center for Existential Safety
An effort to galvanize collective action to ensure humanity survives this decade. See more.
An effort to create individuals who can see and shape the future (e.g., wise Elon Musks). See more.
Bunker in Paradise
An effort to back up civilization in case we fail to mitigate global catastrophic risks. See more.
03. Personal
My background
All his life, James has been searching for the best ways to change himself and change the world. He took a vow as a child to do as much good as humanly possible, pledging 90%+ of his lifetime assets to that end. He started as an entrepreneur at age 6 and since has co-founded or helped build 27 organizations, including the international conference for the effective altruism movement, the first global lifehacking event series, Southeast Asia’s first social innovation hackathon series, and a university for today’s Leonardo da Vincis. Collectively, they have operated for 200+ years and generated millions in revenue. He graduated from the University of Texas at Austin as a triple major/quadruple minor.
See here.