My goal is to be as pragmatic and original as possible. I aim for measurable change for every attendee. I’ll happily do the follow up research to see I made an impact or not. It’s not worth anyone’s time if nothing is left behind but good memories.
I’ve spoken to thousands of people across four countries and 20+ cities, including three times at TEDx events. I’ve given talks, emceed, moderated, facilitated workshops, conducted corporate trainings, and ran simulations, games, and competitions.
Sample Topics
As an aspiring polymath, I cover a variety of topics. My favorite are:
- Existential safety / existential risks from AI, synthetic biology, nuclear weapons, and future weapons
- Existential hope, including utopian design and post-humans or transhumans
- How to design an “adaptive life plan”
- How to design a “life operating system”
- How to “optimize your life” or “life optimization 101”
- Going beyond Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs -> 21st century perspectives on optimal living or human flourishing
- Upgrade Program Protocol for optimal living
- 42 areas of life
- Biohacking, lifehacking, and “upgrading” ourselves
- Measuring a life well-lived
- “Metagrowth” / recursive self-development
- Highest ROI self-development tools
- Common and uncommon (and sometimes humorous) behavior change failures
- Evolution of the evidence-based self-development field
- Rise and decline of effective altruism
- Rise and decline of LessWrong-style rationality
Sample Talks
Here are samples of the kinds of talks and interviews I usually give.
- Existential risk, existential hope, and the secrets to winning at life | James Norris / Futurati Podcast
- Self-Improvement and Behavior Change (with James Norris) / Clearer Thinking Podcast
- Polymathy in the Age of Artificial Intelligence with James Norris / Polymath’s Place
- Doing Good Better / SOCAPTV
- Life Hacking and Behavior Change / The Movement Podcast
- Lifehacking: Your Unfair Advantage / TEDxStPeterPort
- Upgrading Personal Effectiveness through Technology / Effective Altruism Summit
- Life of Firsts / Quantified Self DC
- Introduction to Design Thinking / US Department of Veterans Affairs
- How to Hack Your Life, Productivity & Sleep / PaleoHacks Podcast
- Design for Change / SEEED Summit
- Self Spark Demo Day Pitch / Fledge Demo Day
- Lifehacking 101 / Spark Summit Singapore
- Best Place in the World for Social Entrepreneurs: Singapore as a Social Silicon Valley? / Cross-Border Innovation & Entrepreneurship Global Symposium
- Life by the Numbers: Self-Quantification / Quantified Self Singapore Inaugural Show & Tell
- Releasing Personal Growth / TEDxNTU
Here are a few comments I’ve gotten:
- “That was as good as a Harry Potter book.” (from a 12-year old)
- “I really liked your talk. It had substance, unlike the others I went to. 9 out of 10.”
- “Thank you for inspiring me (and everyone else in the room) with your talk. I really enjoyed it!”
- “Might sound weird but that talk opened a new world to me. Helped me deal with a bad relationship I was in at the time. And now I’m having a generally awesome social life again.”
- “Wow, that’s really thinking outside the box.”
Please contact me if you’d like me to speak at your event.